Thursday, June 28, 2012

Blacks & Hispanics Lead in Mobile Shopping

Blacks & Hispanics Lead in Mobile Shopping

Digital divide? Sure, that still exists. But not when it comes to using mobile devices for shopping. In fact, according to a new study, African-American and Hispanic customers are leading the way when it comes to making purchases with smartphones. According to a study by The Integer Group and M/A/R/C/ Research, 18 percent of African-American consumers and 16 percent of Hispanic consumers regularly use their mobile devices for purchase transactions -- rates that are significantly higher than the 10 percent of Caucasians who use mobile for online purchases.

From Gaebler Resources for Entrepreneurs:

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Blacks & Hispanics Lead in Mobile Shopping
Jenée Desmond-Harris
Thu, 28 Jun 2012 19:16:00 GMT

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